01932 343693

We have once again registered to be involved with the Natwest CricketForce weekend; a nationwide initiative aimed at cricket clubs. The programme is designed to bring clubs and their local community closer together, and ensure they’re ready for the new season. The date for this year’s work party is Saturday 2nd April.

We have outlined numerous maintenance and tidying up works to be carried out to the Clubhouse & Grounds in preparation for the season. We are encouraging as many of you to get involved on this day as possible and ensure that we are ready for the coming season. The day will commence at 10.00am.

The committee is currently preparing for the extension/refurbishment of the clubhouse facilities at the end of the 2016 season which will ultimately provide us with a modernised facility, therefore every £ is vital, with your help we can save costs and put this money towards our extension project.

If anyone requires information regarding the weekend or works outlined, please contact either Andy Savage or Malcolm Denham who would be happy to assist and our contact details are listed below.

[email protected]
07799 386242

[email protected]
07921 949867

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